Advances in Chinese Brand Management

eBook - Journal of Brand Management: Advanced Collections

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Bibliographische Informationen
ISBN/EAN: 9781352000115
Sprache: Englisch
Seiten: 0 S., 6.50 MB
Auflage: 1. Auflage 2016
Format: PDF
Digitale Rechteverwaltung: Digitales Wasserzeichen


This book includes a fascinating range of up-to-date articles on China from theJournal of Brand Management that marshal research and scholarship undertaken by Chinese, British, European and American scholars. The development and management of brands in China has emerged as an area of considerable and growing interest among branding scholars and practitioners owing to the rise and significance of brands within China. Providing an overview of the development and management of brands in China,Advances in Chinese Brand Management also contains case studies of centuries old and greatly loved Chinese Corporate heritage brands, luxury brands, prominent cultural brands and foreign brands in China.


John M.T. Balmer is Professor of Corporate Marketing at Brunel Business School, London, UK, and quondam Professor of Corporate Brand/Identity Management at Bradford School of Management, UK. Credited with formally introducing the corporate brand notion in 1995, since the early 1990s he has been a leading proponent of the strategic importance of corporate identity and corporate brands. He has published numerous cornerstone articles in leading journals relating to corporate brands and corporate marketing. He is the Chairman of the Board of Senior Consultant editors of theJournal of Brand Management; founder of the International Corporate Identity Group (ICIG) and founder and Chairman of the International Symposium on Corporate Heritage.

Weifeng Chen is a lecturer at Brunel University Business School, London, UK, where he specialises in international businesses and branding, with a particular interest in the management of Chinese brands. Dr Chen has published in anumber of international journals includingJournal of Organizational Change Management,Journal of Information System ManagementandInternational Journal of Knowledge Management Studies. He is a member of the ChinaBritain Business Council (CBBC) and currently serves as a consultant for a number of Chinese enterprises. 


Section 1: Introdution(Balmer JMT and Chen WF).-Section 2: Chinas Brands and Corporate Brand Communications in China: In Context.-Balmer, JMT.  and Chen, W.  'Chinas brands, Chinas brand development strategies and corporate brand communications in China'.- Section 3: Corporate Heritage Brands in China.-Balmer, John MT, and Weifeng Chen.)"Corporate heritage brands in China. Consumer engagement with Chinas most celebrated corporate heritage brandTong Ren Tang:." .-Schroeder, Jonathan, Janet Borgerson, and Zhiyan Wu."A brand culture approach to Chinese cultural heritage brands.".-Section 4: Luxury Brands in China.-Heine, Klaus, and Michel Gutsatz."Luxury brand building in China: Eight case studies and eight lessons learned.".- Peng. N and Chen, AH Consumer perspectives of cultural branding: The case of Burberry in Taiwan.-Section 5: Managing thebrand name and logo.-Dong, L. C. and Helms, M.M. Brand name translation model: A case analysis of US brands in china.-Schmitt, Bernd, and Shi Zhang."Selecting the right brand name: An examination of tacit and explicit linguistic knowledge in name translations.".- Chen, T. Ma K, Zheng, C and Wang HThe effects of sub-brands and brand name structure on extension evaluation: An empirical study based on Chinese culture.- Section 6: Brand Building in China.- Sun, Qin, and Audhesh Paswan. "Country branding through Olympic Games..-Na, and Fang Wan. "A configurational perspective of branding capabilities development in emerging economies: The case of the Chinese cellular phone industry.".- Tang Y-C. Liou F_M, and Peng S-yB2B brand extension to the B2C marketThe case of the ICT industry in Taiwan.-Section 7: Brand Buying Behaviour in China .-Lin, Z., and He, X.The images of foreign versus domestic retailer brands in China: A model of corporate brand image and store image.-Yu, C., and Bastin, M.Hedonic shopping value and impulse buying behavior in transitional economies: A symbiosis in the mainland china marketplace.-Bian, X., and Veloutsou, C.Consumers' attitudes regarding non-deceptive counterfeit brands in the UK and China

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